P2P Outreach day to UCD was a very informative experience for our students who had lectures from: Professor Paul Rouse, History, Professor Judith Harford, Teaching, Professor Keith Murphy, Neuroscience, Professor John Dunnion, Computer Science, and Professor Stephen Lucek, Arts and Humanities. Huge thanks to our student ambassador Eve (Medical student) who gave us a detailed tour of the campus. Thanks also to Ms. Avril Murphy and Ms. Margaret Kinsella for organising the visit which allowed students the opportunity to get a true feel for third level education.
Part of the day involved ECC P2P students creating a stand, Ryan Campbell created our poster for the event. Minister Harris was vert impressed with the stand and the students used the opportunity to explain to the Minister how P2P has benefitted them. Hopefully the trip to UCD will encourage students to further engage with their studies with some of them progressing onto Higher Education in UCD.