Our Sater Internet Team, Jack Redmond, Amy Williams, Sophie Gannon, Tommie Morrissey, Jules Araba and Andrew Kehoe, had a special invitation to attend the Safer Internet Day “Tech in Our World” event in Microsoft Dreamspace Today. This event explored young people’s views on new and emerging technology, and the changes they would like to see online. Hosted by Claire Brock (Virgin Media) the event featured contributions from the Webwise Youth Advisory Panel, Online Safety Commissioner; Niamh Hodnett, National Technology Officer; Microsoft – Kieran McCorry and Dr Emma Murphy; School of Computer Science – TU Dublin. Complementary discussions explored some of the opportunities and challenges as they relate to the role of the internet in young people’s lives.
During the event our students participated in table discussions on a variety of online safety topics. It was a great opportunity for them to get their voice heard, to listen to experts and to the views from the Webwise Youth Advisory Panel and to experience Microsoft DreamSpace. Enniscorthy Community College was one of ten schools invited to todays event and a special thanks to Ms. Fabienne Chapuis Osborne who accompanied the students to the very educational and enjoyable event.