Enniscorthy Community College endeavours to provide a secure and supportive educational environment where all students can experience a quality of education appropriate to their intellectual, physical, personal, social, moral and spiritual needs in a changing world.
Our Mission Statement is based on the following Core Values:
- Excellence in Education
- Care
- Equality
- Community and
- Respect

As the state provider of education, the ETB sector defines a ‘multidenominational’ school in the following way:
In ETB schools, all students are given equal opportunities for enrolment in line with the Education (Admissions to School) Act 2018. Once enrolled, our schools strive to provide all students with equal opportunities to engage with the curriculum and school life. In all aspects of school life all members of our school communities are treated equitably regardless of their race, gender, religion/belief, age, family status, civil status, membership of the Traveller community, sexual orientation, ability or socio-economic status.