The Parents’ Association in Enniscorthy Community College is an elected group of parents working as a representative group for all the parents of the students in the school. These parents work in collaboration with the Principal, Staff and Board of Management to build an effective partnership between home and school and to enhance the educational development and educational opportunities of their children.
The members of the Parents’ Association Committee are elected each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Parents’ Association. Each member is elected for a one-year term. At the AGM all committee members step down but they can be re-elected as long as they continue to be eligible to serve, that is, as long as they continue to be a parent or guardian of a child in the school. The Parents’ Association in Enniscorthy Community College is affiliated to The National Parents’ Council Post Primary (NPCPP) which acts as an umbrella organisation for parents’ associations in the post-primary section of the Irish education system.
For more information about NPCPP, please visit: NPCPP - National Parents Council Post Primary Ireland
Objectives of the Parents’ Association
- To act as a link between the parents and the school.
- To inform parents of their role (rights and responsibilities) with regard to the school.
- To inform parents about their school: policies, curriculum, system of governance (Board of Management, etc.).
- To encourage dialogue with the Board of Management and other partners relating to parents’ expectations for their students.
- To ensure that parents are represented at all levels in the consultative process of school development planning and decision-making.
- To help parents acquire the necessary skills which their role demands.
The Parents’ Association in Enniscorthy Community College plays a very active part in the promotion and development of the school. It provides for the formal involvement of parents in the affairs of the school. It is through the Association that the parents’ nominees on the Board of Management are elected and can consult with parents and bring forward their views at Board level.
Fundraising is also a vital activity carried out by the Parents’ Association in the college with the main source of income coming from an annually organised Monster Bingo. The Parents’ Association were responsible for raising the funds to finance the new canteen facilities which are of great benefit to students and staff. Furthermore, they provided funding towards the establishment of a purpose-built Parents’ Room which provides a safe and welcoming environment where parents can become an integral part of the education process. Following the Parents Association meeting on the 23rd of February 2023 Ms. Catherine Nolan was elected Chairperson and Ms. Deirdre Murphy was elected Secretary.
For more information about Enniscorthy Community College’s Parents’ Association, please contact the Home School Community Liaison Coordinator, Ms. Aileen Walsh, at (087) 7388219.