Enniscorthy Community College is a Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board School
Waterford & Wexford ETB

Senior Cycle

Senior Cycle caters for students in the 15-to-18-year age group following completion of the Junior Cycle. During the two years of Senior Cycle, students take one of three programmes, each leading to a State Examination:

  • The traditional Leaving Certificate
  • The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP
  • The Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA)

The Leaving Certificate

The Leaving Certificate is a two-year programme that aims to provide learners with a broad, balanced education while also offering them a chance to specialise towards particular higher education and career options.


In Enniscorthy Community College, students study seven subjects for examination including Irish, English and Mathematics unless otherwise exempt. Subjects are studied at either Ordinary or Higher Level. Two subjects, Irish and Mathematics, can be studied at Foundation Level.

Students may choose an additional four optional examination subjects from the following list:

· Accountancy

· Agricultural Science

· Art

· Biology

· Business

· Chemistry

· Construction Studies

· Design & Communication Graphics

· Engineering

· French

· Geography

· German

· History

· Home Economics

· Music

· Physics

Subjects offered to students in the option blocks is dependent on sufficient demand from students.

Students also study the following non-examination subjects for the Leaving Certificate:

  • Career Guidance
  • I.T.
  • P.E.
  • Religion


Subjects are assessed by an examination paper and by additional assessment methods including oral and aural examinations, practical examinations and assessment of practical coursework at the end of the two-year programme of study. Performance in the examination can be used for purposes of selection into employment, and into further and higher education.

For additional information about the Leaving Certificate, please visit: https://ncca.ie/en/senior-cycle/programmes-and-key-skills/leaving-certificate-established/

The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme


The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) is a two-year programme designed to enhance the vocational dimension of the Leaving Certificate. It combines the academic strengths of the Leaving Certificate with a dynamic focus on self-directed learning, enterprise, work and the community. The primary goal of the LCVP is to prepare young people for adult life by encouraging students to develop skills and competencies fundamental to both academic and vocational success.


In Enniscorthy Community College, LCVP students must take a minimum of five Leaving Certificate subjects (at Higher, Ordinary or Foundation Level) including Irish unless otherwise exempt. Two of these subjects must be selected from one of the designated Vocational Subject Groupings outlined below:


1. Construction Studies or Engineering or Technical Drawing (any two)

2. Physics and Construction Studies or Engineering

3. Agricultural Science and Construction Studies or Engineering

5. Home Economics and Agricultural Science or Biology

6. Home Economics and Art

7. Accounting or Business or Economics (any two)

8. Physics and Chemistry

9. Biology and Chemistry or Physics or Physics & Chemistry (combined)


10. Engineering and Business or Accounting or Economics

11. Construction Studies and Business or Accounting or Economics

12. Home Economics and Business or Accounting or Economics

13. Agricultural Science and Business or Accounting or Economics

14. Art and Business or Accounting or Economics

15. Music and Business or Accounting or Economics

LCVP students are also required to take Link Modules, Preparation for the World of Work, Enterprise Education and Work Experience, along with a recognised course in a Modern European Language (other than Irish or English).


LCVP students receive the same certificate as students of the Leaving Certificate (established). An additional statement of the grade received for the Link Modules is appended to the certificate. Grades for the Link Modules are awarded as follows:

Distinction (80 – 100%)

Merit (65 – 79%)

Pass (50 – 64%)

The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme Co-ordinator in Enniscorthy Community College is Ms. Laura Mc Walter.

For additional information about the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme, please visit: https://ncca.ie/en/senior-cycle/programmes-and-key-skills/leaving-certificate-vocational-programme/

The Leaving Certificate Applied Programme


The Leaving Certificate Applied Programme (LCA) is a two-year Leaving Certificate programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working life. The programme sets out to recognise the talents of all students and to provide opportunities for developing personal responsibility, self-esteem and self-knowledge, and helps students apply what they learn to the real world.

The LCA programme has a strong Work Experience element to it. Throughout the two years, or four sessions, students will get the opportunity to sample a range of different occupations and get real experience in the world of work. Subjects are more practical in nature and are more linked to real life situations in the workplace and the wider community. There is also much less focus on terminal exams at the end of the two-year cycle as students bank credits all the way throughout the programme. At the end of each session students receive a statement of their results from the SEC.

Key Underlying Principles


Subjects Studied

In Enniscorthy Community College, the LCA programme consists of four half-year blocks called sessions. Achievement is credited in each session. Subjects studied during these four sessions are divided into three main areas:

  • Vocational Preparation
  • General Education
  • Vocational Education

All students study the following subjects:

  • English & Communication
  • Mathematical Applications
  • Vocational Preparation & Guidance
  • Introduction to ICT
  • Social Education
  • Arts Education
  • Modern Languages (1 year of each)
  • Leisure and Recreation

Two Vocational Specialisms are also chosen from the following list:

  • Engineering
  • Technology
  • Childcare / Community Care
  • Graphics and Construction Studies
  • Craft and Design
  • Agriculture / Horticulture
  • Hotel Catering and Tourism
  • Hair and Beauty
  • Office Administration and Customer Care
  • Active Leisure Studies
  • Information and Communications Technology


The Leaving Certificate Applied is assessed in a variety of ways including interviews, orals, written and practical work. Students can gain up to a maximum of 200 credits over the course of the two years. Students are also required to have 90% attendance.

Students earn credits for-

  • Completing coursework for their modules or Key Assignments
  • Seven projects or Student Tasks
  • Seven Final Exams in each of the following areas:
    • English and Communication
    • Two Vocational Specialisms
    • Mathematical Applications
    • Two Languages
    • Social Education



Students who successfully complete the LCA programme are awarded a Leaving Certificate from the Department of Education and Science. The certificate is awarded at three levels: Pass; Merit; and Distinction.


Progression Routes after LCA

There are many options open to Leaving Certificate Applied students after completing the programme. Aside from directly entering into the world of work, students can also progress onto Further Education PLC courses, Apprenticeships & Traineeships, the Gardai and the Defence Forces. LCA students do not have direct access to Higher Education CAO courses and must either complete a PLC course or a Pre-university access course to progress.


The Leaving Certificate Applied Programme Co-ordinator in Enniscorthy Community College is Mr. Conor Dempsey.

For additional information about the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme, please visit: LCA (curriculumonline.ie)

Feb 17
February Mid-term break
Feb 24
LCA Work Experience
Mar 10
TY Work Experience
Mar 17
Saint Patricks Day
Milehouse Road, Enniscorthy, Co.Wexford, Ireland
Waterford & Wexford Educational Training Board
© 2025 Enniscorthy Community College